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    Low Estrogen Raises Your Risk of Osteoporosis

    While there are many symptoms associated with low estrogen levels, one of the most serious is an increased risk of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can substantially deteriorate your quality of life. The condition, characterized by weakened bones, increases the risk of fractures, potentially leading to loss of mobility and independence. It can also cause chronic pain, which […]

    Weight Loss Medications for Women

    If you are looking for an effective weight loss solution for women, you’re not alone. You may have tried new diets, exercise regimens, and other approaches on your own to lose extra weight. But if these strategies haven’t been working for you, it may be time to explore your options further by considering the potential […]

    What are the Signs You Need Hormone Replacement Therapy?

    Are you feeling tired, moody, and overwhelmed all the time? Do you have inexplicable weight gain and fluctuations in your menstrual cycle? If so, a hormone imbalance may be to blame. These are all telltale signs that you may need hormone replacement therapy. A hormone imbalance can happen to women at any age. That is […]

    The Best Treatment for Menopause Supports Your Brain Health

    If you feel like you just can’t think clearly these days, you may be searching for the best treatment of menopause that can help. Menopause often comes with a host of mental symptoms that can be incredibly frustrating and debilitating. You may experience cognitive symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, staying focused, and episodes of forgetfulness. […]

    Can Low Estrogen Cause Plaque Buildup in Your Arteries?

    Most of us are familiar with what causes plaque buildup in our arteries: eating foods high in saturated fat or cholesterol, smoking, and obesity. But even if you are a healthy and active woman, you can develop plaque buildup due to an unexpected source: low estrogen. Because of this, women’s hormone care is more critical […]

    Why Hormone Imbalance Can Make It Hard to Lose Weight

    When we want to lose weight, our first thought is usually to try a new diet or to exercise more. Sometimes, we do all the right things yet our weight doesn’t change—or worse, it continues to climb. This makes weight loss a frustrating and challenging experience for many women. Your hormones could be the culprit. […]

    Can Toxins In Your Environment Affect Your Hormones?

    If you are one of the many women struggling with hormone imbalance, it may feel like your hormones are out of your control. But what if there was an invisible source influencing them— something in your environment? Our environment is filled with toxins that can harm our health, and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are among […]

    Lipotropic and B12 Injections Boost Your Diet Plan Results

    Everyone wants the quickest and most efficient way to reach their weight loss goals. Many supplements and diet pills claim to produce impressive weight loss results, but often at the expense of your overall health. Also, once you stop taking these pills, you tend to gain the weight back quickly. Lipotropic and B12 injections can […]

    Risks of Hormone Pellets for Women

    Experiencing a hormone imbalance can be difficult and frustrating. Hormone replacement therapy can help target unwanted symptoms. However, some treatment methods, like hormone pellets, may not deliver the results you need. In fact, they may even make the situation worse. Hormone pellets are made up of a mix of hormones, which may or may not […]

    Do You Need a Probiotic During Menopause?

    You have a natural balance of good and bad bacteria in your body that can be impacted by the physical and emotional stress of menopause symptoms. Symptoms such as hot flashes or irregular periods may come and go for months or even years, but incorporating probiotics into your daily women’s health care routine can make […]


    It is with heavy hearts that we announce that Dr. Sridevi Panchamukhi will be discontinuing her affiliation with HerKare. Dr. Panchamoukhi’s last day with HerKare was Monday, March 27, 2023. As a patient you may obtain copies of your medical records or arrange transfer of your medical records to another physician. HerKare Physician Group, PLLC will continue to maintain your medical records. You may reach out to to obtain copies of your records. We wish Dr. Panchamoukhi the very best.