What are Bioidentical Hormones?
Bioidentical hormone replacement can treat symptoms you are experiencing related to menopause or a hormonal imbalance. If you are suffering from depression, fatigue, insomnia or weight gain or just don’t feel your best, we can help you determine whether these symptoms are due to a hormone imbalance that we can treat with HRT. Bioidentical hormones are all natural, and your body cannot tell the difference in bioidenticals and the hormones it naturally produces.
Further Reading
Bioidentical Hormone Treatment Options
Some of the hormones that your body might not be producing sufficiently that can be replaced with bioidenticals are progesterone, estrogen and testosterone. Once you start on a course of hormone replacement, a doctor can monitor you carefully to see how the hormones are working and whether you need an adjustment based on your symptoms or other indicators. This monitoring can help our physicians stay on top of whether your dosage is right and/or change your treatment plan as needed.
How Bioidenticals Help You
When your hormone levels are too low, you might find that you no longer enjoy sex as much as you used to or that you lack the energy that you’d normally have. There are different types of hormone replacement therapy that may restore your hormone levels. We can explore options for improving your health using hormone replacement therapy with bioidenticals or other approaches. Bioidentical hormone replacement can offer a number of other benefits as well, including reducing the likelihood of developing cataracts or diabetes. It may even improve your skin elasticity and get rid of your wrinkles.
Our team at HerKare is here to listen to and understand your health care concerns. Contact us to discuss hormone replacement and any other health and wellness issues you may have. We want to make sure that you have the opportunity to feel your best.