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    If you feel like you just can’t think clearly these days, you may be searching for the best treatment of menopause that can help. Menopause often comes with a host of mental symptoms that can be incredibly frustrating and debilitating. You may experience cognitive symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, staying focused, and episodes of forgetfulness. These memory and attention issues can make daily tasks and responsibilities feel overwhelming. 

    It’s not uncommon for women to feel like their brain is not functioning the way it used to, adding to the overall challenge of going through menopause. Estrogen is directly linked to your brain functionality and health, so when your estrogen drops during menopause, your brain can be significantly affected. 

    Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) could help. HRT works by using supplemental or bio-identical hormones to replace those that are lost in menopause, helping to restore your balance, energy levels, moods, and mental health. 

    Many menopausal women report a positive and noticeable change when they begin to supplement essential hormones with HRT treatments. Book an appointment with us to find out how HRT can help you feel like yourself again.

    A Hormonal Imbalance Can Cause Brain Fog

    woman who received the best treatment for menopause

    The best treatment for menopause should not only relieve challenging menopausal symptoms like brain fog, but contribute to your long-term health.

    When you’re struggling to focus, recall information, or simply keep your thoughts organized, it can be frustrating and unsettling. Known as “brain fog,” this feeling of cognitive blurriness can be brought on by a variety of factors, and one of the most common is the hormonal imbalance experienced during menopause. 

    When our hormones are out of sync, it can throw off our entire system, leaving us feeling sluggish, depleted, and unable to keep our thinking sharp. If you’re struggling with brain fog, know that you’re not alone. With the right treatment, you can start to reclaim your focus and mental clarity.

    Related Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance Can Have a Domino Effect

    Estrogen deficiency can cause more than just brain fog; it can lead to a host of other symptoms that can exacerbate it. Stress, anxiety, and poor sleep are other symptoms of menopause that can all contribute to brain fog and make it worse. When you are already struggling with a lack of estrogen, these other negative symptoms can snowball and make the overall issue even worse. It’s important to recognize the connection between these related symptoms and estrogen deficiency so that you can address them and improve your quality of life.

    Estrogen Supports Your Brain Health

    As women, we know that estrogen plays a crucial role in our reproductive health, but did you know that it also supports brain health? Estrogen acts as a neuroprotective agent, helping to safeguard our brains from cognitive decline. It promotes the growth and development of nerve cells, which are necessary for healthy brain function and improved memory. Not only that, but estrogen also helps to regulate mood and sleep, further contributing to our overall brain health. 

    Research suggests that this hormone plays a vital role in maintaining and strengthening the brain’s neural networks. Estrogen has been shown to stimulate the growth of new cells in the brain, as well as support the development of new connections between existing neurons. 

    Without estrogen, the brain’s ability to adapt and rewire itself could be compromised. While further research is needed, these findings suggest that estrogen may have a more significant impact on brain health than previously thought.

    Low Estrogen Levels Deprive Your Brain of its Fuel Source

    Your brain is constantly functioning, processing information, and making decisions for you. However, it needs fuel to keep running, and that fuel is glucose. At a cellular level, your brain cells are pushed to burn even more glucose when estrogen levels are high. But when estrogen levels drop, your brain is left in a state of deprivation. It’s like taking the gas out of a car, leaving it unable to go anywhere. 

    Maintaining Brain Health Helps Prevent Brain Diseases like Dementia

    As we age, it becomes crucial to focus on maintaining our brain health, especially for women. Studies have shown that women are much more susceptible to developing dementia than men, making it even more important to take preventative measures towards preserving our cognitive abilities

    HRT has been widely used by women to relieve symptoms of menopause, including brain fog. However, one recent study from Denmark suggests that young women who use HRT may be at a higher risk of developing dementia. The study found an association between the two in the women it observed, but also stated that they did not find any evidence of a direct cause-and-effect. 

    The study has been met with some skepticism from experts who question the reliability of its results. One of the primary concerns is that the study was only observational and thus did not take into account other factors that could contribute to the development of dementia. This includes things like social isolation, smoking, and dietary factors like alcohol consumption. Without a more comprehensive approach, it’s difficult to determine the true risk factors for this debilitating condition. 

    Other research points to another plausible explanation for the higher risk of dementia in older women: hot flashes. Studies have shown a correlation between these sudden sensations of heat and an increased risk for heart disease, brain lesions, altered brain structure, and changes in brain function. 

    While the exact mechanisms behind this link are still being studied, these findings provide an intriguing insight into the ways in which menopause may impact cognitive health. It’s a reminder of the complexity of the human body and the many factors that can influence our health and well-being over time.

    Your Risk of Developing Dementia is Based on Genetic Factors

    The general consensus amongst researchers is that the key indicator of a woman’s risk for dementia is based on genetics, regardless of whether or not they are treated with HRT.

    Women who have amyloid proteins present in their brain may be at higher risk for developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. This risk is believed to be genetic, meaning it is passed down through families. The presence of these proteins can be detected through medical testing, allowing women to take proactive steps to manage their overall health and potentially reduce their risk of developing these debilitating conditions. 

    HRT Can Help You Feel Better and Think More Clearly

    If you are experiencing frustrating menopausal symptoms, you are likely searching for the best treatment for menopause. HRT is one of the most effective and trusted treatments available today. Not only can it help alleviate hot flashes and night sweats, but it can also improve your overall mood and cognitive function. 

    By replacing the hormones that your body may be lacking during this transitional phase, HRT can help you feel like yourself again. With greater clarity of mind and a renewed sense of energy, you can get back to living your life to the fullest. Schedule a conversation with your healthcare provider to discuss your health history and determine if HRT is the right option for you.

    Find the Best Treatment for Menopause with HerKare

    Menopause is a difficult stage of life for many of us, so finding the best treatment can be critical in making sure this transition is as comfortable and manageable as possible. We are here to help you navigate your treatment options. 

    With vast knowledge and experience, our team of experts can work with you to find the best course of action for your particular situation. We understand that everyone has individual needs and strive to provide a customized approach when it comes to treating menopausal symptoms. 

    Contact us now to schedule an appointment so you can take control over your menopause journey today.


    It is with heavy hearts that we announce that Dr. Sridevi Panchamukhi will be discontinuing her affiliation with HerKare. Dr. Panchamoukhi’s last day with HerKare was Monday, March 27, 2023. As a patient you may obtain copies of your medical records or arrange transfer of your medical records to another physician. HerKare Physician Group, PLLC will continue to maintain your medical records. You may reach out to to obtain copies of your records. We wish Dr. Panchamoukhi the very best.