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    After age 45, women become much more susceptible to developing . This is directly linked to reduced levels of estrogen during perimenopause, a time when many women turn to hormone replacement. Estrogen helps promote blood flow through your body by keeping blood vessels open, so when your estrogen decreases, your blood vessels can constrict. Because your veins and arteries are now narrowed, your heart is forced to pump your blood with more effort than normal.

    Not only does raising your estrogen levels lower your risk of hypertension, but you can also benefit from the many other effects of balanced estrogen, like sleeping better and improving weight loss. It is quite common for hormones to become imbalanced, especially before menopause. This imbalance can be caused by even very small changes in how many hormones your body produces.

    If you’re struggling with high blood pressure along with other menopause symptoms, get in touch with our team to schedule an appointment. We can help you treat your symptoms and get back to normal as soon as possible.

    Estrogen Plays a Key Role in Your Body

    Estrogen has a vital role in women’s bodies. As a primary sex hormone, one of its main jobs is to regulate the reproductive system. But its role doesn’t stop there. Normal levels of estrogen help to:

    • Control cholesterol levels
    • Maintain bone density
    • Boost mood
    • Reduce blood vessel inflammation
    • Protect urinary tract
    • Sustain cognitive function
    • Preserve youthful skin and hair

    Low levels of estrogen can lead to various health issues, including osteoporosis, mood swings, and hot flashes. Our team of healthcare providers can help manage these risks and symptoms through women’s hormone care. We will work with you to determine the optimal treatment options for your individual needs.

    Estrogen Hormone Replacement Helps Keep Blood Pressure Low

    Woman looking out the window after receiving hormone replacement therapy for low estrogen

    Hormone replacement therapy helps offset decreased estrogen, helping to lower blood pressure and the risk of developing hypertension.

    Estrogen has a vasodilative effect, meaning it helps keep the blood vessels open. This effect is particularly important for cardiovascular health. Lower blood pressure means a healthier heart and a reduced risk of heart disease. Research shows that complications from heart disease are the leading cause of death in women in the United States. These findings underscore the importance of a healthy hormonal balance in maintaining overall cardiovascular health.

    By age 65 or 70, more women have high blood pressure than men. Women experiencing a decrease in estrogen production may not realize the potential corresponding rise in blood pressure and risk of developing hypertension. Some of the possible negative outcomes of hypertension could include:

    • Heart attack and stroke. Deposits of plaque can narrow or block your arteries and could lead to blood clots. Blood clots can flow to your heart or brain, resulting in a heart attack or stroke. One study showed that a woman’s risk of having a heart attack is five times higher after menopause than before. 
    • Heart failure. Your heart has to work harder to circulate your blood, causing your heart to become larger and fail to supply your organs with blood.
    • Hypertensive crisis. This is a medical emergency that causes your blood pressure to rapidly rise above 180/120.
    • Chest pain. This happens when the heart doesn’t get the blood it needs. When people with high blood pressure walk uphill or exercise, angina can cause pressure or pain in the chest.
    • Kidney damage. Your kidneys help your body dispose of toxins and regulate many complex functions in the body. When they get damaged by high blood pressure, it reduces their efficiency and could lead to kidney failure.
    • Vision problems. Because your eyes are full of small blood vessels, they can be strained by high blood pressure. If left untreated, it can cause permanent vision loss.

    By keeping track of your blood pressure and taking steps to manage it, you can decrease your risk of hypertension and keep your heart healthy. It’s important to stay on top of your health and make sure you’re informed on all the changes that happen during menopause.

    Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Blood Pressure 

    Maintaining healthy blood pressure is crucial for women, especially as estrogen levels start to drop due to menopause. Women experiencing high blood pressure should take this condition seriously. Lifestyle changes can help. These tips can help reduce blood pressure levels and lower the risk of serious health conditions. 

    First, eating a well-balanced diet is essential. Incorporate foods that are low in sodium and high in potassium. Make time for low-impact, regular exercise such as walking, swimming, or cycling. Yoga or meditation can be great stress relievers, which can help keep your blood pressure down. Additionally, getting regular check-ups from your healthcare provider and taking any prescribed medication as directed is key. This may include HRT to help you take control of your blood pressure and overall health.

    Hormone Replacement Therapy to Restore Estrogen Levels

    HRT is a safe and effective option for many women experiencing symptoms of menopause. Our providers prescribe FDA-approved bioidentical hormone therapy rather than synthetic hormones, as they’re identical to the type of hormones your body produces. We may recommend estrogen replacement therapy, with or without progesterone. 

    If you’ve had a hysterectomy and no longer have a uterus, then we may prescribe estrogen-only hormone replacement therapy. This can treat your symptoms with few side effects and health risks. 

    If you still have your uterus, then you will receive combination therapy. This means the hormone imbalance treatment includes both estrogen and progesterone. Progesterone is necessary to keep endometrium (the lining of the uterus) growth in check to reduce the risk of uterine cancer. 

    Your Hormone Replacement Options with HerKare

    HerKare is here to provide personalized women’s hormone care. We offer an effective and safe way to support you with hormone replacement therapy. Reach out today and talk to a provider about how we can help with your hormonal care!


    It is with heavy hearts that we announce that Dr. Sridevi Panchamukhi will be discontinuing her affiliation with HerKare. Dr. Panchamoukhi’s last day with HerKare was Monday, March 27, 2023. As a patient you may obtain copies of your medical records or arrange transfer of your medical records to another physician. HerKare Physician Group, PLLC will continue to maintain your medical records. You may reach out to to obtain copies of your records. We wish Dr. Panchamoukhi the very best.