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    Low Estrogen Can Increase Your Risk for High Blood Pressure

    Low Estrogen Can Increase Your Risk for High Blood Pressure

    After age 45, women become much more susceptible to developing . This is directly linked to reduced levels of estrogen during perimenopause, a time when many women turn to hormone replacement. Estrogen helps promote blood flow through your body by keeping blood vessels open, so when your estrogen decreases, your blood vessels can constrict. Because your veins and arteries are now narrowed, your heart is forced to pump your blood with more effort than normal.

    Not only does raising your estrogen levels lower your risk of hypertension, but you can also benefit from the many other effects of balanced estrogen, like sleeping better and improving weight loss. It is quite common for hormones to become imbalanced, especially before menopause. This imbalance can be caused by even very small changes in how many hormones your body produces.

    If you’re struggling with high blood pressure along with other menopause symptoms, get in touch with our team to schedule an appointment. We can help you treat your symptoms and get back to normal as soon as possible.

    Estrogen Plays a Key Role in Your Body

    Estrogen has a vital role in women’s bodies. As a primary sex hormone, one of its main jobs is to regulate the reproductive system. But its role doesn’t stop there. Normal levels of estrogen help to:

    • Control cholesterol levels
    • Maintain bone density
    • Boost mood
    • Reduce blood vessel inflammation
    • Protect urinary tract
    • Sustain cognitive function
    • Preserve youthful skin and hair

    Low levels of estrogen can lead to various health issues, including osteoporosis, mood swings, and hot flashes. Our team of healthcare providers can help manage these risks and symptoms through women’s hormone care. We will work with you to determine the optimal treatment options for your individual needs.

    Estrogen Hormone Replacement Helps Keep Blood Pressure Low

    Woman looking out the window after receiving hormone replacement therapy for low estrogen

    Hormone replacement therapy helps offset decreased estrogen, helping to lower blood pressure and the risk of developing hypertension.

    Estrogen has a vasodilative effect, meaning it helps keep the blood vessels open. This effect is particularly important for cardiovascular health. Lower blood pressure means a healthier heart and a reduced risk of heart disease. Research shows that complications from heart disease are the leading cause of death in women in the United States. These findings underscore the importance of a healthy hormonal balance in maintaining overall cardiovascular health.

    By age 65 or 70, more women have high blood pressure than men. Women experiencing a decrease in estrogen production may not realize the potential corresponding rise in blood pressure and risk of developing hypertension. Some of the possible negative outcomes of hypertension could include:

    • Heart attack and stroke. Deposits of plaque can narrow or block your arteries and could lead to blood clots. Blood clots can flow to your heart or brain, resulting in a heart attack or stroke. One study showed that a woman’s risk of having a heart attack is five times higher after menopause than before. 
    • Heart failure. Your heart has to work harder to circulate your blood, causing your heart to become larger and fail to supply your organs with blood.
    • Hypertensive crisis. This is a medical emergency that causes your blood pressure to rapidly rise above 180/120.
    • Chest pain. This happens when the heart doesn’t get the blood it needs. When people with high blood pressure walk uphill or exercise, angina can cause pressure or pain in the chest.
    • Kidney damage. Your kidneys help your body dispose of toxins and regulate many complex functions in the body. When they get damaged by high blood pressure, it reduces their efficiency and could lead to kidney failure.
    • Vision problems. Because your eyes are full of small blood vessels, they can be strained by high blood pressure. If left untreated, it can cause permanent vision loss.

    By keeping track of your blood pressure and taking steps to manage it, you can decrease your risk of hypertension and keep your heart healthy. It’s important to stay on top of your health and make sure you’re informed on all the changes that happen during menopause.

    Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Blood Pressure 

    Maintaining healthy blood pressure is crucial for women, especially as estrogen levels start to drop due to menopause. Women experiencing high blood pressure should take this condition seriously. Lifestyle changes can help. These tips can help reduce blood pressure levels and lower the risk of serious health conditions. 

    First, eating a well-balanced diet is essential. Incorporate foods that are low in sodium and high in potassium. Make time for low-impact, regular exercise such as walking, swimming, or cycling. Yoga or meditation can be great stress relievers, which can help keep your blood pressure down. Additionally, getting regular check-ups from your healthcare provider and taking any prescribed medication as directed is key. This may include HRT to help you take control of your blood pressure and overall health.

    Hormone Replacement Therapy to Restore Estrogen Levels

    HRT is a safe and effective option for many women experiencing symptoms of menopause. Our providers prescribe FDA-approved bioidentical hormone therapy rather than synthetic hormones, as they’re identical to the type of hormones your body produces. We may recommend estrogen replacement therapy, with or without progesterone. 

    If you’ve had a hysterectomy and no longer have a uterus, then we may prescribe estrogen-only hormone replacement therapy. This can treat your symptoms with few side effects and health risks. 

    If you still have your uterus, then you will receive combination therapy. This means the hormone imbalance treatment includes both estrogen and progesterone. Progesterone is necessary to keep endometrium (the lining of the uterus) growth in check to reduce the risk of uterine cancer. 

    Your Hormone Replacement Options with HerKare

    HerKare is here to provide personalized women’s hormone care. We offer an effective and safe way to support you with hormone replacement therapy. Reach out today and talk to a provider about how we can help with your hormonal care!

    Hormonal Imbalance in Younger Women is More Common Than You Think

    Hormonal Imbalance in Younger Women is More Common Than You Think

    Difficulty sleeping, irregular periods, mood swings, unexpected weight gain—if this sounds like you, it could be a hormonal imbalance. It might seem unlikely, but hormonal imbalance among young women is actually fairly common. Studies show that up to 80% of women experience hormonal imbalance in their lifetime. Because many of these imbalances are undiagnosed, some women may go through years of suffering symptoms without knowing why.

    In this article, we’ll discuss the symptoms of a hormone imbalance, reasons why it might be happening to you, and how to get your balance back.

    Many of us associate hormone imbalances with menopause, but it can actually happen at any time in your life. Hormone imbalances as a young woman can be confusing and frustrating, but we’re here to help you find answers. Make an appointment now to speak with our team about hormone replacement therapy options.

    Hormonal Imbalance in Young Women

    Young woman in 20s or 30s experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance

    Women in their 20s or 30s may experience hormonal imbalance long before menopause.

    Early menopause is when a woman experiences menopause before age 45 and is one possible reason why you might suffer from hormone imbalance symptoms in your 20s and 30s. Early menopause only occurs in about 5% of women. However, younger women can still experience hormonal imbalance outside of the context of menopause.

    Hormonal imbalance refers to the disruption of the normal balance of hormones in your body. One of the most common imbalances for women is when estrogen and progesterone are not balanced properly.

    Progesterone and estrogen work together and are very important for your body. Estrogen affects mood, sleep, and libido, and also helps maintain bone density and healthy skin. Progesterone helps regulate the effects of estrogen on your body and regulates your period.

    As a woman, you should always listen to your body. Get help if you notice any changes in your menstrual cycle or start to experience more symptoms of hormonal imbalance. If left untreated, hormonal imbalances can lead to more serious health issues such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis.

    Balancing your hormones may sound complicated, but we’re here to help you find the right treatment so you can feel more like yourself again.

    Common Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

    When hormone levels are not balanced, it can lead to a multitude of symptoms that can negatively impact your quality of life. Even small changes in your hormone levels can have a significant impact on your physical and mental well-being.

    Some common symptoms of hormonal imbalance include:

    • Mood swings: Mood swings happen when serotonin levels rise and fall rapidly. Estrogen and progesterone control serotonin production levels, so when they are off balance, your serotonin levels will be, too.
    • Fatigue: If you frequently feel more tired than usual, despite getting good sleep at night and eating well, it could be due to a hormonal imbalance.
    • Difficulty sleeping: Imbalanced hormones can cause insomnia, and sleep deprivation can affect hormone levels, creating an ongoing cycle of sleepless nights.
    • Acne: Hormonal fluctuations can cause breakouts, often on the lower part of the face like the jawline, chin and bottom of the cheeks.
    • Weight gain: Because hormones play a major role in controlling your appetite, metabolism, and body fat distribution, a change in their normal level can lead to excess weight gain.
    • Irregular, heavy, or painful periods: A hormone imbalance can change the regularity of your cycle and can cause your body to make the uterine lining too thick, leading to heavy menstrual bleeding.

    Keep in mind that these symptoms can also be impacted by other life factors, including stress, poor diet, lack of exercise, and genetics, so it’s important to get a proper assessment of your hormone levels to determine if they are the key contributing factor.

    Causes of Hormonal Imbalance in your 20s and 30s

    A hormonal imbalance has a domino effect in your body that can lead to a wide range of long-term health problems, such as greater risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and osteoporosis. Unbalanced hormone levels are also the number one cause of infertility in women.

    There are several factors that can trigger hormonal imbalance such as stress, poor diet, and certain medications. Hormonal imbalances also often occur during natural cycles in your life like puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.

    Another cause of hormonal imbalance is endocrine disorders such as PCOS. This disorder causes cysts to grow on your ovaries because your adrenal glands are producing more testosterone than normal. Typical symptoms include irregular periods, thinning hair, oily skin, and infertility.

    Low thyroid is a common reason for hormone imbalance in women. When you have an underactive thyroid, your metabolism slows down and you feel more tired than usual. Hormone replacement is usually used to treat low thyroid. Without treatment, low thyroid can lead to complications such as heart disease or pregnancy problems.

    Treating Hormonal Imbalance with Hormone Replacement Therapy or Other Medication

    Hormone replacement therapy gives you relief from symptoms caused by imbalanced hormones. When you take them regularly, they help replenish your body’s natural hormone levels so you feel more like yourself again.

    Depending on what your body needs, you can take bioidentical hormones to help your body stabilize its estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, or thyroid levels. The hormones we administer are all-natural, so you don’t have to worry about filling your body with synthetic hormones.

    Birth control medication is a common option for women who want to keep hormonal symptoms from fluctuating month to month, such as those who have been diagnosed with PCOS. However, this type of medication may not be an option for some women due to their individual needs. That’s why it’s important to learn all the options to find the right treatment for you.

    Help Balance Your Hormones with Healthy Lifestyle Changes

    Maintaining hormonal balance is crucial for overall well-being. Hormones play a vital role in your body, from sleep cycles to metabolism. However, factors such as stress, poor diet, and lack of exercise can upset your balance, leading to a range of health issues.

    Implementing healthy lifestyle changes can be immensely beneficial. Some of the ways you can promote healthy hormone balance include:

    • Eating a nutrient-rich diet
    • Engaging in regular physical activity
    • Reducing stress levels
    • Getting adequate sleep
    • Practicing self-care

    By making these small yet impactful changes, you’re not only helping to improve your hormonal balance, but your overall quality of life, too. We can help you identify what changes or support you need for your overall wellness.

    We’re Here to Help You Find Answers and Feel Better

    You might have a hormonal imbalance if you’re experiencing symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, acne, or weight gain. Our team understands the importance of balancing your hormones. We can help you identify the root cause of your symptoms and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

    We know it can be exasperating to have hormone issues when you are in your 20s and 30s. That’s why we’re here to help. Our approach involves a thorough assessment of what your body needs, and the best treatment options to help get your balance back.

    Don’t hesitate to reach out to talk to our team about your hormonal imbalance concerns. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you.

    Estrogen Replacement Therapy: Injections vs. Vaginal Creams

    Estrogen Replacement Therapy: Injections vs. Vaginal Creams

    Are you a woman in the midst of menopause? If so, you may be considering estrogen replacement therapy to help alleviate symptoms. These medicines can help you enjoy life again and relieve uncomfortable menopause symptoms like hot flashes, weight gain, low sex drive, and vaginal dryness. However, it’s important to know that there are different delivery methods to choose from. If you’re not sure which is right for you, our team is here to help. Two of the most popular types of estrogen replacement therapy during menopause are injections and vaginal creams. In this article, we’ll discuss the difference between these types of hormone replacement therapy and their pros and cons so you can make an informed decision on the best course of treatment for you.

    Don’t struggle through life with menopause symptoms, reach out to our team for help. We offer customized treatment plans that include hormone therapy and lifestyle changes to help you feel better. Schedule an appointment today at one of our convenient locations!

    Why Estrogen Is Important for Women’s Health

    Menopausal age women enjoying time together thanks to estrogen replacement therapy

    Estrogen replacement therapy can relieve menopausal symptoms and help you feel like yourself again.

    Estrogen is a hormone that plays a crucial role in women’s health. It helps regulate the menstrual cycle, strengthen bones, and promote healthy skin and hair. However, when estrogen levels become imbalanced, it can lead to a range of health problems, such as irregular periods, hot flashes, mood swings, and even painful sex. As we age, estrogen levels naturally decline, eventually leading to menopause. This can cause a variety of symptoms that might be disruptive to everyday life. Fortunately, there are ways to keep estrogen levels stable and healthy even during menopause to alleviate your symptoms. Taking care of your hormonal health can seriously improve your overall well-being and quality of life, especially during menopause. 

    Estrogen Replacement Therapy Can Help Relieve Menopause Symptoms

    Menopause can be a challenging time for many women. The uncomfortable hot flashes, mood changes, and vaginal dryness can significantly affect your daily life. Luckily, hormone replacement therapy with estrogen can help alleviate many of these symptoms. By increasing estrogen during menopause, it can prevent a lot of the negative aspects of menopause, like the life-altering symptoms. It may also reduce the risk of certain health conditions during menopause, like osteoporosis, as estrogen helps keep your bones strong. So, if you’re struggling with menopause symptoms, get in touch with our healthcare providers to determine if estrogen replacement therapy is the right option for you. 

    Benefits and Risks of Estrogen Replacement Therapy

    If you’re experiencing menopause symptoms, estrogen replacement therapy is a commonly prescribed medicine to help you feel better. It offers many benefits for women suffering with symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness. It may also come with some added health benefits like keeping your bones strong or reducing your risk for heart disease. However, like all medications, it also comes with some potential risks. For instance, estrogen replacement therapy may increase your risk for certain conditions like blood clots, breast cancer, and uterine cancer. 

    It’s important to talk to our providers about the benefits and risks of HRT for your individual circumstances. We help you weigh the pros and cons and determine what’s right for you. Just keep in mind that for most women who suffer from menopause symptoms and are otherwise healthy, usually the benefits outweigh the risks for estrogen replacement therapy. 

    Types of Estrogen Replacement Therapy: Injections and Vaginal Creams

    Estrogen replacement therapy can be a lifesaver for women experiencing symptoms of menopause. It can really improve your life during menopause. Our providers will work with you to find the right options for your needs. If HRT is right for you, this means finding not only the right dose, but the right methods for hormone replacement therapy.

    There are different types of estrogen replacement therapy, with injections and vaginal creams being two options. Injections provide a steady dose of estrogen throughout the body, while vaginal creams are applied directly to the affected area for localized relief. It’s important to consult with our healthcare providers to determine which option is best for you based on your symptoms, medical history, and individual needs.

    Pros and Cons of Injectable Estrogen Replacement Therapy

    One option for estrogen replacement therapy is regular estrogen injections. These injections provide bioidentical estrogen directly into the bloodstream to supplement your body’s estrogen levels. This is a convenient and effective option if you’re struggling with menopause symptoms. 

    Among the biggest benefits of estrogen replacement therapy injections is that they can treat a wide range of menopause symptoms. Since they go through the body systemically, you can get relief from a variety of symptoms like:

    • Hot flashes
    • Night sweats
    • Sleep disturbances
    • Mood changes
    • Vaginal dryness

    Treatment with injectable estrogen replacement therapy involves getting regular estrogen shots, combined with progesterone medications if you still have your uterus. This provides a steady dose of estrogen right in your blood so it can travel to various tissues in your body. 

    However, injections aren’t right for everyone. Compared to vaginal estrogen creams, estrogen shots typically provide a higher dose of estrogen in the bloodstream. This might lead to side effects as well as risks for things like blood clots for some women. Our team can help you determine if estrogen injections are the right choice for you. Remember, every person is unique, and what might work for one person may not work for another.

    Pros and Cons of Vaginal Estrogen

    Vaginal creams for estrogen replacement therapy can be a useful option for many women during menopause as well. These are often used as an alternative to injectable estrogen replacement therapy. These creams work by delivering estrogen directly to the vaginal tissues, helping to restore moisture and elasticity. 

    Since vaginal estrogen creams are used topically, they offer a lower dose of estrogen compared to many other delivery methods, including estrogen injections. While your body will likely absorb some of the medicine into the bloodstream, most of the estrogen stays in the tissues of the vagina and vulva. This often means that there are fewer risks and side effects for this type of treatment. 

    However, there is a big downside to using vaginal estrogen instead of systemic estrogen like injections. Because it doesn’t go throughout the body, vaginal cream does not usually improve symptoms like hot flashes, sleep issues, and other menopause symptoms. Instead, it generally only helps symptoms localized to the genital area, like vaginal dryness, burning, or irritation. In some cases, it may also help with urinary urgency and painful sex. However, it’s a really limited treatment option. So, if you’re struggling with other menopause symptoms, it likely won’t be an effective treatment for you. Additionally, keep in mind that because it’s a cream, you can transfer it to sexual partners, which can cause side effects and health concerns, so you’ll need to make sure you avoid sex right after applying the creams. Our team can help you decide whether vaginal estrogen creams are a good choice based on your individual needs.

    Considerations for The Type of Hormone Replacement Therapy You Take

    When it comes to choosing a preferred method of estrogen replacement therapy, there are several factors to take into consideration. Firstly, it’s important to consider the severity and duration of menopausal symptoms, as this will help determine whether a systemic or localized approach is necessary. Other factors to consider include personal preferences and lifestyle habits, such as convenience and schedule flexibility. Additionally, medical history and current health status should also be taken into account, as certain health conditions may influence the choice of estrogen replacement therapy. As always, it’s important to consult with our healthcare professionals to determine the most appropriate course of action and ensure safe and effective treatment. Remember, choosing the right method of estrogen replacement therapy can help provide relief and improve quality of life during menopause.

    Personalized Care from HerKare

    It’s clear that estrogen replacement therapy can have many significant health benefits, while also coming with potential risks. When considering the best treatment option, it is important to weigh hormone levels alongside lifestyle factors and overall health goals. No matter which type of estrogen replacement therapy you choose, our team is here to provide personalized care that fits you and your lifestyle. We are a women’s health clinic dedicated to helping you feel your best. Our providers are here to help you make important decisions for your healthcare. Prioritize self-care by reaching out to our team to talk about your symptoms. Make an appointment today to get started.

    Low Estrogen: What is Estradiol?

    Low Estrogen: What is Estradiol?

    Menopause is a natural, yet often overwhelming time in the life of women. It can cause physical and emotional changes that can be hard to adjust to and manage on your own. What many don’t realize is that symptoms like hot flashes and mood changes are due to low estrogen levels, particularly a type of estrogen called estradiol. If you’re like many menopausal women looking for more information about this change in hormones, then take some time to learn about estradiol — the form of estrogen most affected by menopause. Stay tuned for facts about estradiol’s role before and after menopause, as well as tips on managing this shift with personalized treatment solutions!

    If you’re struggling with symptoms of low estrogen and menopause symptoms, reach out to our team today to schedule an appointment and learn how we can help you feel better.

    Types of Estrogen

    Two women talking about how HRT helped improve their low estrogen symptoms.

    Low estrogen can cause a lot of uncomfortable symptoms.

    Estrogen is a crucial hormone in a woman’s body. It’s responsible for many things, like regulating the menstrual cycle, maintaining bone health, and protecting the cardiovascular system. You’ve probably heard of estrogen before, but did you know there are different types? The three types of estrogen are:

    • Estradiol
    • Estrone
    • Estriol

    Estradiol is the most predominant form of estrogen. It’s more potent than the other types and is made mostly in the ovaries. Estradiol is the hormone that controls a lot of the things you might think of when you consider estrogen, like reproduction and bone health. So, if your doctor says you have low estrogen, they’re likely talking about estradiol.

    Estrone, on the other hand, is the most predominant type of estrogen in postmenopausal women. This is considered the weakest type of estrogen. The adrenal glands and fat tissues in your body are responsible for most estrone production. Before menopause, it can be converted into estradiol in the body, but since you need less estradiol after menopause and you can no longer get pregnant, it tends to stay as estrone in the body after the menopausal transition.

    Lastly, estriol is produced during pregnancy by the placenta. It’s responsible for many important tasks during pregnancy, like helping the uterus grow and stay healthy and preparing the body for birth and breastfeeding. In people who aren’t pregnant, estriol levels are almost undetectable and don’t play a very significant role in the body.

    Estradiol’s Importance for Your Health

    Estradiol is a hormone that is essential for women’s health. For instance, estradiol levels affect things like the menstrual cycle, bone health, blood cholesterol levels, and even brain function. As we age, our estradiol levels naturally decline, leading up to menopause where they drop significantly. Low estradiol levels can lead to a range of health issues, including osteoporosis and increased risk for heart disease. Since this type of estrogen is so potent, it’s what’s primarily responsible for the symptoms of menopause and low estrogen.

    There are some lifestyle factors you can do to maintain healthy estradiol levels throughout your life, including things like eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise. However, after menopause, you might need hormone replacement therapy to boost estradiol to relieve your symptoms, since your ovaries stop producing as much estradiol as they did before.

    Estradiol Levels Before Menopause

    While estradiol is found in both men and women, it’s particularly important for women. It plays an important role in our premenopausal years by regulating the menstrual cycle and maintaining vaginal health. Before menopause, your estradiol levels will fluctuate based on where you are in your monthly cycle, with estradiol being highest in the first half of the cycle and then declining as you get closer to your period. In fact, these low estrogen levels during your cycle, while normal, are likely responsible for premenstrual symptoms.

    As you get closer to menopause, also known as perimenopause, estradiol levels may fluctuate more significantly. They may get really high or low during this time in the lead up to menopause. This is also frequently why women start experiencing menopause symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness before their period stops.

    Estradiol Levels After Menopause

    After menopause, when you’ve reached 12 months without a period, there is a significant drop in estrogen levels, particularly estradiol. These low estrogen levels happen because the ovaries stop producing estradiol, which causes your period to end. It can also lead to continuing symptoms like hot flashes and mood changes as your body gets used to the new normal for estrogen levels. Low estradiol levels after you reach menopause can also cause many health changes, with an increased risk for several serious conditions, like heart disease and osteoporosis. That’s why it’s important to speak with your doctor about any concerns you may have and discuss options for managing your estradiol levels after menopause. With proper care and attention, you can maintain your health and well-being for years to come. In many cases, estrogen replacement therapy can help address both symptoms and health risks after menopause related to low estrogen levels.

    Signs of Low Estrogen

    As women, we go through a lot of changes throughout our lives, and one of the most common is fluctuating estrogen levels. Low estrogen levels can cause a variety of symptoms, including:

    • Hot flashes
    • Night sweats
    • Vaginal dryness
    • Mood swings
    • Trouble sleeping

    It’s important to pay attention to these signs because low estrogen levels can also have long-term effects on our overall health, including bone loss and an increased risk of certain cancers. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to talk to our healthcare team to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Remember, taking care of ourselves means paying attention to the signs our bodies are giving us!

    Causes of Low Estradiol

    Obviously, estradiol is an important hormone in our bodies, as one of the main types of estrogen. However, what actually causes estradiol levels to drop? Menopause is a major culprit. As we age and get closer to menopause, our ovaries stop producing as much estradiol. This is a natural, albeit often uncomfortable process that you may need to manage with hormone therapy.

    However, there are other things that can cause low estrogen as well. For instance, having a really low body weight is one. Excessive exercise is another. Also, certain medications can often lower estradiol.

    It’s important to speak with our healthcare providers if you are experiencing symptoms of low estradiol, as they can help determine the underlying cause and create a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Remember, knowledge is power, and understanding what’s going on with your body can help you feel your best.

    How to Diagnose Low Estrogen Levels

    If you’re suffering from low estrogen symptoms, then talk to our healthcare providers. We can help determine the underlying cause of your symptoms and provide tailored treatment plans to relieve your symptoms. Discussing your symptoms and ruling out other causes is one way that we frequently diagnose low estradiol levels.

    In some cases, we may recommend blood tests to look at how much estradiol is in your blood. In fact, it’s common to use these tests to determine your menopausal status, like if you take hormonal birth control and aren’t sure whether you’re experiencing a true period or withdrawal bleeding. Blood tests can let us see the amount of estradiol in your blood as well as the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone, which is what stimulates estrogen production in the ovaries.

    By analyzing your estradiol levels, our providers can determine if hormone replacement therapy or other treatments would be beneficial for you. It’s important to be open and honest with your doctor about any symptoms or concerns you may have, as this will help them provide you with the best possible care. So don’t hesitate to ask questions or bring up any worries – your health is important, and our team is here to help.

    Treatments for Low Estrogen

    Low estradiol levels can lead to a number of uncomfortable symptoms, such as hot flashes, mood swings, and even bone loss. Fortunately, there are treatment options available that can help alleviate these symptoms and improve your overall health. Medications, such as hormone replacement therapy, can effectively raise estradiol levels and offer symptom relief, while lifestyle modifications, such as regular exercise and a healthy diet, can also make a significant impact. It’s important to work with your healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs, but with the right approach, you can manage low estradiol levels and enjoy a better quality of life.

    Women’s Health Care from HerKare

    In summary, there are three types of estrogen—estradiol, estrone, and estriol— but estradiol is the most important one to know about. It’s important for women’s health and controls a lot of important functions, including the menstrual cycle and menopause. Women may experience a variety of symptoms due to low estradiol levels. To find out more about your own estradiol levels, you can discuss your symptoms with our providers. There are many treatment options for low estradiol levels, including hormone replacement therapy and lifestyle changes. At HerKare we understand our patients’ unique needs. We work with you to provide hormone care and help you feel your best. So make an appointment at one of our clinics today and let us help you manage your health.

    Signs You Need Hormone Imbalance Treatment

    Signs You Need Hormone Imbalance Treatment

    Hormones are chemical messengers that work throughout your body, with the body producing over 50 different hormones for many different things. Sex hormones – estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone – are three types of hormones that are really important for your overall health and how you feel on a day-to-day basis. They are also commonly thrown off balance, especially in the lead up to menopause. If your hormones are out of whack because of menopause or other issues, you may need hormone imbalance treatment to correct them, which can relieve your symptoms and reduce risks for some health issues. Of course, this means knowing the signs of a hormone imbalance and making an appointment with our providers to talk about treatment options. In this blog, you’ll learn some common signs you may have a hormonal imbalance and what treatment options are available.

    Mother and adult daughter happy after getting hormone imbalance treatment.

    Hormone imbalance treatment can help you feel your best and protect your health.

    If you’re struggling with menopause symptoms, get in touch with our team to schedule an appointment. We can help you treat your symptoms and get back to normal as soon as possible.

    What is Hormone Imbalance Treatment?

    Hormone imbalance treatment is basically how we treat people whose hormones are out of balance. Hormone imbalances can be caused by even very small changes in how many hormones your body produces. Keep in mind that sex hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone all are supposed to keep each other in check. If you have too much or too little of one or more, then you have a hormonal imbalance that may require treatment to help with symptoms and health effects.

    In a woman’s life, there are several times when hormones naturally get thrown off balance: puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Menopause is a really common time when you may need hormone imbalance treatment because your hormones become less consistent and start to decline. During your pre-menopausal years, your hormones stay pretty consistent. They go through a basic cycle, which is what controls when your period starts and stops and when you ovulate. However, in menopause your hormone levels may look more like a rollercoaster that is gradually trending downward. This can cause many symptoms that hormone imbalance treatment can alleviate.

    Who Needs Hormone Imbalance Treatment?

    How do you know if you need hormone imbalance treatment? Practically anyone who is suffering from the effects of unbalanced hormones could benefit from hormone imbalance treatment. Changes in your hormones frequently cause a variety of symptoms that can prove disruptive to everyday life. If you notice these signs, make an appointment with our providers to talk about your symptoms and get a diagnosis. From there, we can discuss treatment options that work best for your individual circumstances.

    You Might Need Hormone Imbalance Treatment if You Have These Symptoms

    There are many different signs and symptoms of a hormone imbalance to pay attention to. Some symptoms of hormone imbalances in women include:

    • Hot flashes
    • Night sweats
    • Menstrual changes
      • Irregular periods
      • Heavy periods
      • Frequent periods
      • Infrequent/missed periods
    • Vaginal atrophy (thinning of the vaginal tissues)
      • Vaginal burning/itching
      • Painful sex
      • Urinary frequency
      • Frequent UTIs
    • Vaginal dryness
    • Low libido
    • Weight changes
    • Acne
    • Infertility
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Difficulty sleeping
    • Fatigue
    • Hair loss
    • Hair growth on the face

    Keep in mind that many of these symptoms can also be attributed to other health conditions. That’s why it’s so necessary to see a doctor to identify the root cause. If it is caused by your hormones, you may need hormone imbalance treatment.

    How Do Doctors Diagnose Hormone Imbalances?

    The first step to getting the right care for a hormone imbalance is to talk to a doctor. Our providers can help find underlying causes of your symptoms and offer personalized treatment solutions for you. If you think you have a hormone imbalance, our team will discuss your symptoms and medical history. Diagnosing a hormone imbalance generally starts there to rule out other causes of your symptoms. In some cases, we may also recommend a blood test to check the hormone levels in your blood for imbalances.

    Health Risks of Unbalanced Hormones

    Hormones play a lot of important roles in the body. Sex hormones in particular control processes like:

    • Reproduction
    • Sex drive
    • Bone growth
    • Muscle growth
    • Body fat distribution

    As such, there are many potential health issues that can come with imbalances in estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. For instance, when hormones start to fluctuate and decline around the time of menopause, these changes can increase your risk for osteoporosis, heart disease, and stroke.

    Hormone Imbalance Treatment Options

    There may be many ways to treat your hormone imbalance, like following healthy lifestyle changes. However, by far the most common treatment option is hormone replacement therapy. This involves taking hormone medications to bring your levels back into normal, balanced ranges.

    Hormone Replacement Therapy

    There are many different options for hormone replacement therapy if you’re suffering from a hormone imbalance. Our providers typically prescribe FDA-approved bioidentical hormone therapy rather than synthetic hormones, as they’re identical to the type of hormones your body produces.

    If you’re experiencing symptoms of a hormone imbalance due to menopause, then we may recommend estrogen replacement therapy (with or without progesterone) or testosterone replacement therapy. Both can work effectively to reduce symptoms of menopause.

    Estrogen Replacement Therapy

    Estrogen replacement therapy is by far the most popular treatment for hormone imbalances during menopause. This is because most menopause symptoms are caused by declining estrogen levels in your body as your ovaries start to produce less. If you’ve had a hysterectomy and no longer have a uterus, then we may prescribe estrogen-only hormone replacement therapy. This can treat your symptoms with few side effects and health risks.

    If you still have your uterus, then you will receive combination therapy. This means the hormone imbalance treatment includes both estrogen and progesterone. Progesterone is necessary to keep endometrium (the lining of the uterus) growth in check to reduce the risk of uterine cancer.

    In some cases, we may prescribe vaginal estrogen. This is a type of hormone replacement therapy used in the vagina and provides a lower dose of hormones to the area. Generally, vaginal estrogen only works for symptoms like vaginal dryness and atrophy and likely won’t help if you’re suffering from other symptoms like hot flashes or mood changes.

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    Sometimes, we may recommend testosterone replacement therapy if your testosterone levels are too low. Low testosterone in women is more common as you reach menopause and can also cause many of the symptoms listed in the above section, like low sex drive. Testosterone replacement therapy during menopause may help with your symptoms if estrogen options aren’t working or if you can’t use estrogen replacement therapy because of your medical history or other issues.

    Bring Your Hormones Back into Balance with HerKare

    Our team at HerKare is here to provide you with personalized healthcare solutions if you’re struggling with unbalanced hormones. We offer support through perimenopause and menopause so you can feel your best. Using hormone replacement therapy optimized to your needs, we can ease the effects of menopause so you can keep living your best life. It’s really easy to get started, just make an appointment and our team will help get to the bottom of your symptoms and provide custom treatment options.

    Does Estrogen Replacement Therapy Stop Menopause?

    Does Estrogen Replacement Therapy Stop Menopause?

    If you’re experiencing menopause symptoms, our providers may recommend estrogen replacement therapy to alleviate your symptoms. Many women find relief from bothersome symptoms like hot flashes, mood changes, and sleep disturbances commonly caused by menopause. This has led to many women wondering if estrogen replacement therapy actually stops or delays menopause. The short answer is no, but we’ll explore this more in this blog.

    Women smiling because estrogen replacement therapy stopped their menopause symptoms

    Estrogen replacement therapy won’t stop menopause, but it can stop your menopause symptoms.

    If you’re suffering from menopause symptoms, our team provides personalized treatment plans to help you feel your best. Make an appointment today to discuss your symptoms with our healthcare providers.

    Can Estrogen Replacement Therapy Prevent or Delay Menopause?

    Since estrogen replacement therapy can often stop a lot of the symptoms of menopause, you might be wondering if it actually stops menopause. The answer is no. Estrogen replacement therapy doesn’t stop or delay menopause. Menopause is a natural process that women go through, not a condition that you can “cure.” So, even if you use HRT to help with menopause symptoms, you’re still technically in menopause.

    Think of it like people with diabetes. They use insulin to control blood sugar levels. However, they are still diabetic even when they use insulin, as the medicine just helps control the effects and symptoms of diabetes. Menopausal women use estrogen replacement therapy to increase estrogen levels so they feel better during menopause and combat their symptoms.

    Understanding Menopause and What Estrogen Replacement Therapy Is

    To understand why estrogen-based hormone therapy doesn’t stop menopause, it’s important to first explain exactly what menopause is. You might know that menopause is when your periods stop for 12 consecutive months and that you can no longer get pregnant after reaching menopause. You might also know a lot of the common symptoms of menopause, like hot flashes, mood changes, and vaginal dryness. However, let’s explore exactly what menopause is.

    Menopause typically occurs between ages 45 and 55. It happens when your ovaries stop producing female hormones estrogen and progesterone. This stops your menstrual cycle, so you no longer release eggs for fertilization. So, menopause is determined by your ovaries, not by the amount of estrogen and progesterone in your body. Low estrogen and progesterone levels are just a side effect of menopause.

    What is Estrogen Replacement Therapy Used for in Menopause?

    If estrogen replacement therapy doesn’t stop menopause, then why do so many menopausal women use it? The primary reason you might use HRT during menopause is to fight common symptoms that can interfere with your life and make it difficult to engage in your daily activities. Low estrogen levels in your body cause most of the symptoms you might associate with menopause. With estrogen replacement therapy, you can increase the amount of estrogen in your blood to relieve these symptoms. Having more estrogen in your body can also reduce several health risks associated with low estrogen levels.

    Hormone Therapy Helps with Symptoms Associated with Low Estrogen

    There are many symptoms you might experience during menopause, including:

    • Hot flashes
    • Night sweats
    • Insomnia
    • Mood changes
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Weight gain
    • Vaginal dryness

    A lot of these symptoms can be attributed to declining estrogen levels in your body during menopause. Since estrogen plays important roles throughout the body, it can throw a lot of things out of whack, which explains a lot of the symptoms you might experience. However, the good news is that hormone therapy can bring your hormones back into balance to help with a lot of these symptoms so you can live your life without many of these often debilitating symptoms.

    Estrogen Replacement Therapy Can Reduce Health Risks During Menopause

    Another reason you might consider starting estrogen replacement therapy during menopause is that it may reduce some of the health risks of menopause while you take it. It’s important to note that most of the time doctors will only prescribe HRT if you’re experiencing symptoms that bother you, but another potential benefit is that increasing estrogen in your body may reduce risks for common conditions during menopause like osteoporosis. Of course, like other medications it can also increase your risks for some health issues, so it’s important to weigh the benefits and risks with our healthcare professionals. However, if you’re healthy and a good candidate for HRT, then you may notice some health benefits during menopause as well.

    What Affects Menopause Age?

    If estrogen replacement therapy doesn’t affect when menopause starts, then what does? There are many different factors that can affect the age at which you hit menopause. However, you don’t have a lot of control over it. For instance, a lot of it comes down to genetics. You’re pretty likely to reach menopause at the same age as your mother did. Lifestyle factors can also play a role. For example, women who smoke tend to hit menopause earlier than women who don’t, while women who have a high BMI might reach menopause a little later because fat can produce some estrogen.

    Why You Might Not Want to Delay Menopause

    With the symptoms you might experience, it’s understandable if you’re looking for a way to delay menopause. However, keep in mind that that might not be the best option. Delaying menopause past the age of 55 is also known as late onset menopause. Late onset menopause comes with many potential health consequences. For instance, it can increase your risk for breast cancer, endometrial cancer, and ovarian cancer.

    Instead of looking for ways to delay menopause, talk to our providers about how you can reduce your symptoms during menopause instead. As we’ve mentioned, hormone replacement therapy can be a really effective tool for managing your menopause symptoms so they don’t interfere with your everyday life. Increasing your estrogen levels won’t stop menopause, but it can help reduce or relieve symptoms like hot flashes. We use FDA-approved bioidentical (not synthetic) hormones to treat menopause symptoms and help you feel your best.

    Fight Menopause Symptoms with Our Team at HerKare

    Our team at HerKare offers healthcare solutions for menopause. We work with you to find the root cause of your symptoms and provide treatment customized to you. Through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy solutions, you can enjoy symptom relief during menopause so you can live your best life. As a clinic operated by women for women, we’re dedicated to finding options that are convenient and easy for you. We listen to your concerns and then work with you to find solutions that fit your needs. Get started today – book an appointment to talk to our providers about your symptoms.


    It is with heavy hearts that we announce that Dr. Sridevi Panchamukhi will be discontinuing her affiliation with HerKare. Dr. Panchamoukhi’s last day with HerKare was Monday, March 27, 2023. As a patient you may obtain copies of your medical records or arrange transfer of your medical records to another physician. HerKare Physician Group, PLLC will continue to maintain your medical records. You may reach out to to obtain copies of your records. We wish Dr. Panchamoukhi the very best.