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    Sculptra Dermal Fillers for Gradual, Natural Results

    Sculptra Dermal Fillers for Gradual, Natural Results

    When you’re looking for innovative aesthetic treatments for deep wrinkles around your nose and mouth, Sculptra® dermal fillers may be a great option for you. Deep facial lines and wrinkles make many people feel self-conscious. Treatments to help reduce the appearance of these wrinkles can help you feel more confident. Sculptra injections are a simple, convenient option for natural-looking results for wrinkles on your face.

    What Are Sculptra Aesthetic Treatments?

    woman smiling after getting natural results from Sculptra aesthetic treatments

    Sculptra fillers are aesthetic treatments to help reduce deep wrinkles on your face by boosting collagen production.

    Sculptra is one of the aesthetic injectables we offer at our clinics. These dermal fillers are injected into the skin to help reverse the signs of aging, such as deep wrinkles, folds, and creases. Sculptra fillers contain poly L lactic acid (PLLA), which helps stimulate collagen production in your dermis. Collagen is the protein that makes up the structure of your skin. As we age, collagen production slows down, which can lead to your face looking hollow, sunken, or deeply creased. Sculptra aesthetic injections are typically used to treat deep lines around the nose and mouth, such as smile lines and chin wrinkles.

    Sculptra is an innovative option for aesthetic treatments. Other fillers, like Juvéderm® and Restylane®, use hyaluronic acid gel, which sits under the skin to fill in problem areas. These fillers are great for smaller, finer lines and wrinkles, they typically aren’t recommended for deep wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid fillers also typically last for 6 to 18 months. Sculptra, on the other hand, gets deep into the dermis to help increase your natural collagen production. This can help with deeper wrinkles and adding volume to hollow or empty areas. Results can last for up to two years before needing retreatment, often just one injection per year afterwards. Because Sculptra injections target collagen production, they help target the cause of wrinkles, rather than simply masking the effects.

    How Do Sculptra Dermal Fillers Work?

    If you’re interested in Sculptra injections, the first step is making an appointment with our team to discuss your options and get a consultation. This appointment is where we talk about your desired results and expectations, the particulars of the treatment based on your situation, and discuss the potential risks and side effects. If you’re a good candidate for Sculptra dermal fillers, then our aesthetic professionals perform the treatment in our office. This involves injecting the Sculptra poly L lactic acid gel into areas of your face to stimulate collagen production for a more youthful appearance.

    After Sculptra aesthetic treatments, you can typically go back to your normal activities immediately after. You might experience mild symptoms or side effects such as swelling, tenderness, redness, or bruising. These typically get better within a few days. To help with any swelling or tenderness, you can use cold compresses on your face for a few minutes at a time. In most cases you can also use makeup to cover any light bruising you experience.

    An important part of recovery is to massage the treated area. This helps distribute the Sculptra gel. While it’s important to talk about your specific instructions with our provider, typically this involves massaging the area for about five minutes at a time, five times a day, for five days after treatment.

    You might notice results immediately after treatment, but it can take several weeks to a couple of months to see full results. In addition, you may need multiple treatments. Many women receive three treatments over the course of three or four months for optimal results.

    Advantages of Sculptra Aesthetic Treatments

    Sculptra dermal fillers offer many benefits for people looking to improve the look of wrinkles and achieve a more youthful appearance on the face. Our aesthetic professionals can discuss these treatments based on your unique circumstances and expectations, but here are a few reasons why so many people are choosing Sculptra injections for facial rejuvenation.

    Natural, Gradual Results from Sculptra Aesthetic Treatments

    Sculptra aesthetic treatments are a minimally-invasive way to get natural-looking results for deep wrinkles. Because poly L lactic acid stimulates your body’s collagen production, these injectables offer gradual and natural results. Collagen takes around four to eight weeks to produce after Sculptra treatments, so your skin can improve over time. Therefore, these are a good solution if you want a more youthful look without having people ask you whether you’ve had work done.

    Long-Lasting Results for Facial Rejuvenation

    Another great benefit of this innovative aesthetic treatment is that it offers long-lasting results. While everyone is different, results can last up to two years without more injections. This is longer than many other types of dermal fillers. In addition, some people may need only one treatment a year afterwards to help maintain their Sculptra results.

    Aesthetic Treatments for Deep Wrinkles and Folds

    Sculptra dermal fillers are also one of the few minimally-invasive options to help with deep lines and wrinkles. Other fillers or even neurotoxins like Botox are typically recommended for fine lines and wrinkles. Therefore, if you have severe wrinkles around your mouth and nose, Sculptra may offer better results than many other aesthetic treatments. Our team can help you determine which treatments are right for you based on your health and desired results.

    Practically No Downtime with Sculptra

    Also, Sculptra aesthetic injectables don’t require downtime for most people. In fact, many people leave our office and go right back to their normal activities. Unlike cosmetic surgery, there’s generally no need to take off weeks of work for recovery or avoid certain activities. Aside from massaging the treated area throughout the day, recovery is pretty simple for most people.

    Disadvantages of Sculptra Aesthetic Injectables

    Of course, Sculptra injections aren’t right for everyone, and there are some disadvantages. It’s important to understand these disadvantages, too, so you can make the right choice for you. Our providers can help you weigh the risks and benefits during your consultation, but here are a couple of disadvantages that may lead you to explore different options.

    You Need Patience

    We mentioned that the results from Sculptra are typically gradual, which for some people is a great benefit, but for others it’s a drawback. For these aesthetic treatments, you need patience to see results, as they can take one to three months to see and you may need multiple treatments. Other treatments, like hyaluronic acid fillers, are often instant, which can make waiting for Sculptra results difficult for some people. If you are looking for fast results, other treatments may be better for you.

    You Can’t Use Sculptra on the Lips or Eyes

    If you have crows feet or wrinkles close to your lips, then you may be better off looking at other options. Sculptra isn’t recommended for use around the eyes or on the lips. Sculptra is approved for treating wrinkles in specific areas of the face, like smile lines and chin wrinkles. Therefore, if you’re looking for wrinkle treatments near the eyes and lips, consider other options.

    Medical-Grade Aesthetic Treatments at HerKare

    Our team at HerKare is here to help you feel your best, which we know often means looking your best, too. We offer non-invasive and minimally-invasive aesthetic treatments to help enhance your appearance. Our clinic offers individualized solutions based on your unique circumstances and lifestyle. Make an appointment today to talk to our providers about aesthetic treatment options.

    Jan Marini Medical-Grade Chemical Peels: Revitalize Your Skin

    Jan Marini Medical-Grade Chemical Peels: Revitalize Your Skin

    If you’re dealing with dull skin, hyperpigmentation, scarring, wrinkles, or other skin concerns, you might wonder what you can do to help revitalize your skin. Many of our patients mention skin concerns, but believe invasive cosmetic surgery is the only way to address signs of aging. Fortunately, innovations in skin care and aesthetic treatments mean there are many non-invasive and minimally-invasive options to help rejuvenate your skin and appearance. Medical-grade chemical peels from Jan Marini Skin Research® (JMSR) are incredibly effective and can help refresh and renew your skin with less downtime. If you’re looking for solutions for small imperfections, these chemical peels may help you improve the look of your skin and feel more confident. 

    What are Chemical Peels?

    woman smiling with beautiful skin after using Jan Marini chemical peels

    Chemical peels can help with skin resurfacing to make your skin look refreshed.

    Before we explain some of the benefits of the JMSR peel systems, it’s important to understand what chemical peels are. You might already be familiar with them, but as a quick overview. Chemical peels use a chemical solution, typically mild acids, applied to the skin for exfoliation. They can provide a deeper exfoliation than many home skin care products like scrubs and exfoliating brushes.

    Modern chemical peels really got their start in the 1800s as treatments from dermatologists for conditions like melasma and hyperpigmentation. However, there’s a lot of evidence that some forms of chemical peels have been around since ancient times. For example, ancient Egyptians may have used lactic acid in sour milk as a skin care treatment similar to a chemical peel. Therefore, peels have been around for quite a while. However, they’re quickly gaining popularity as a simple, minimally-invasive option for aesthetic treatments

    Chemical peels can help with many cosmetic concerns on the skin. Many people use chemical peels as aesthetic treatments for their face, neck, and décolleté. Peels can help treat a wide range of conditions and signs of aging, including:

    • Wrinkles
    • Fine lines
    • Discoloration
    • Hyperpigmentation
    • Dullness
    • Acne scarring

    Our treatment providers can help you choose a peel suited for your specific concerns and help you determine if you’re a good candidate for this treatment. 

    How Can Chemical Peels Help Rejuvenate Skin?

    So, how do chemical peels work? First, let’s talk about how your skin works. Your skin constantly turns over skin cells. The lower layers of your epidermis (the outermost layer of the skin) form new skin cells. As your skin makes new cells, the older cells begin to die, change shape, and get pushed toward the very top layer of the skin. Eventually the dead skin cells shed off to make way for newer cells. However, sometimes you can get a buildup of dead skin cells. Dead skin cell buildup can clog your pores, make your skin look duller, emphasize lines and wrinkles, and even hold onto extra melanin, which is the cause of hyperpigmentation.

    A chemical peel sloughs off these dead skin cells to reveal newer, fresher skin. After chemical peel treatments, many people notice their skin looks brighter, smoother, more even, and also even more youthful. Chemical peels offer deeper exfoliation than many other types of exfoliants that you might use at home. Therefore, regular peels can be a great addition to your regular skin routine. 

    What are Jan Marini Medical-Grade Chemical Peels?

    Now you know some of the particulars about chemical peels, let’s go over some of the benefits of the Jan Marini peel system specifically. Medical-grade chemical peels from Jan Marini Skin Research are only available to professionals. Our trained pros perform these treatments in-office to provide deep exfoliating through JMSR’s innovative chemical peel technologies. JMSR designed these peels to help improve the appearance of your skin with less downtime than many other types of treatments and many people see results in just one to three treatments. 

    Types of Chemical Peels from Jan Marini Skin Research

    JMSR currently offers three medical-grade peels: Clarify, Transform, and Refine. Each peel consists of two steps. The first step includes a special acid mix formulated to help address specific skin concerns and provide deep exfoliation. The second step includes a leave-on retinol activator that contains retinol, peptides, and antioxidants to help boost effectiveness and start the healing process. 

    Clarify peels from Jan Marini Skin Research are primarily used for acne-prone skin and acne scarring. Refine peels offer overall skin rejuvenation. Transform peels are the most aggressive option for medical-grade chemical peels from Jan Marini. They can help address many different skin concerns, including pigmentation and sun damage. They also offer overall skin rejuvenation. Transform peels use a special blend of lactic acid, salicylic acid, and resorcinol in the first step to help slough off dead skin cells. 

    JMSR Peel from Our Aesthetics Providers: What to Expect

    If you’re interested in medical-grade chemical peels from JMSR, our providers offer these treatments in-office. We may start with a complete consultation to understand your needs and expectations. We’ll also discuss your medical history and any conditions or medications you take that might prevent you from receiving a chemical peel treatment. We can also discuss the benefits and risks to help you decide whether you think a chemical peel is right for you. This is a highly personalized process based on your individual circumstances. 

    We will also discuss any pre-treatment and post-treatment instructions for your chemical peel. For instance, you may need to avoid using abrasive or exfoliating products for a certain amount of time before and after your peel. In addition, we may also recommend following up at home with JMSR skin care products to help protect your results.

    Jan Marini Skin Research: Innovative Skin Care

    Jan Marini Skin Research is a leader in skin care. They offer innovative and award-winning skincare products, including:

    • Medical-grade chemical peels
    • At-home chemical peels
    • Face serums
    • Cleansers
    • Body scrubs
    • Face masks
    • Moisturizers
    • Sunscreens

    Products from JMSR are supported by peer-reviewed research that has appeared in academic journals throughout the world. Since 1994, they’ve been providing skin care products and technologies that have helped countless people get results and take care of their skin. That’s why our aesthetics professionals are proud to offer in-office treatments and at-home products from JMSR. 

    Chemical Peels & Aesthetic Treatments at HerKare

    Our team at HerKare understands that part of feeling your best often means looking your best. We offer a wide range of aesthetic treatments to help you enhance your beauty and confidence. Whether you’re concerned about fine lines and wrinkles, hollow areas, fat pockets, or even hyperpigmentation, our team is here to help. We offer consultations to discuss your concerns and help you determine which aesthetic treatment options may help. Whether you’re interested in chemical peels, laser treatments, injectables, or something else, we provide quality care at our women’s clinics. Ready to get started? Book an appointment now to learn more and talk to one of our providers about aesthetic treatment options personalized to you. 

    How do Lasers Minimize Wrinkles & Fine Lines?

    How do Lasers Minimize Wrinkles & Fine Lines?

    Sometimes, all the exfoliants and moisturizers in the world can’t help you minimize the look of wrinkles and fine lines. In these cases, there are options to help you improve the appearance of your skin. Laser treatments offer non-invasive and minimally-invasive options that can help your skin look more youthful. Lasers can help smooth out fine lines and wrinkles that make you look older. Let’s discuss how lasers help with wrinkles and fine lines and why laser aesthetic treatments may be right for you.

    woman looking at tablet smiling while reading about laser aesthetic treatments for wrinkles and fine lines

    Laser treatments can help promote your natural healing process to minimize the look of wrinkles and fine lines.

    What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

    Laser skin resurfacing is a common aesthetic treatment for wrinkles and fine lines. These treatments can target specific areas where you have wrinkles or you can use them for the whole face and other parts of your body. Many women get laser skin resurfacing to help get a more youthful appearance with fewer lines and wrinkles.  

    What are Lasers?

    First, what is a laser? The word “laser” is actually an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Since that’s a bit of a mouth full, most of us just say “laser.” Lasers are essentially concentrated light and heat that we can control and use for many different things. You might think of lasers when you think of security systems in spy movies, but they are helpful for many different uses, including a variety of medical applications. Lasers produce light and heat that we can manipulate and customize for different purposes. 

    Using Lasers for Aesthetic Treatments

    One popular way we use lasers today is for aesthetic treatments for the skin. These treatments use light and heat to help correct many skin conditions and blemishes. Lasers are becoming more and more popular for aesthetic applications. Laser skin treatments can help with discoloration, scarring, and facial veins as well as wrinkles and fine lines. Our providers use Cynosure® laser technology for aesthetic treatments. If you’re interested in laser resurfacing for wrinkles and fine lines, our team can set up a consultation to discuss your options. 

    Do You Have Fine Lines & Wrinkles?

    When you look in the mirror, you might notice lines in your face. Typically you’ll find them in places where your skin creases when you make facial expressions. For instance, you might notice crows feet near your eyes, laugh lines around your mouth, and forehead wrinkles above your eyebrows. It’s important to know the difference between fine lines and wrinkles. This can help you understand how lasers affect the appearance of both wrinkles and fine lines. 

    Fine lines are in the top layers of your skin. They’re typically less noticeable than wrinkles, and many women only notice them when they look at their skin close up in the mirror. Build up of dead skin cells, dirt, and oil can hide in these lines and make them appear worse and more noticeable. Over time, fine lines can also turn into wrinkles. 

    Wrinkles, by contrast, generally form in deeper layers of the skin, all the way down to the very support structure of your face. As we age, these deep layers can start to lose some of their shape and elasticity, which can lead to wrinkles. Wrinkles appear deeper than fine lines and usually more noticeable. Like fine lines, wrinkles can form around areas that contract with your expressions. However, they can also appear practically anywhere on your skin. 

    How Laser Resurfacing Helps Reduce the Appearance of Fine Lines & Wrinkles

    Fortunately, laser resurfacing treatments can help both fine lines near the surface of your skin as well as mild to moderate wrinkles in the deeper layers of your skin. These aesthetic treatments help smooth out lines and wrinkles with light and heat. Laser resurfacing creates minor, controlled injuries to the skin to help encourage your body’s natural healing process. This might sound scary because we use the word “injuries,” but you can think of it kind of like exercising. When exercising, you cause small injuries to your muscles so they heal stronger than before. Skin resurfacing uses a similar principle to help enhance the look of your skin. 

    There are two main components of treating wrinkles with lasers: getting rid of dead skin cells and stimulating collagen and elastin production. 

    Lasers Help with Slough Off Dead Skin Cells

    Lasers allow the operator to target certain areas of the skin and vaporize dead skin cells near the surface. These laser treatments remove the first layer of the skin, which is often full of dead and damaged skin cells that can make your skin look dull and emphasize the appearance of lines and wrinkles. 

    Much like a deep exfoliator, laser treatments can help slough off dead skin cells to help promote skin cell turnover. This helps bring newer, often healthier skin cells to the surface, which can help improve skin texture and minimize the look of lines and wrinkles. 

    Lasers Stimulate Collagen and Elastin Production in the Deeper Layers of the Skin

    Also, laser treatments can get deep into the subdermal layers of the skin. Heat from the lasers can help encourage collagen and elastin production, which can also help with the appearance or lines and wrinkles. Collagen and elastin are proteins that do many different things in our bodies. In the face, these proteins help provide the support and structure in our skin. With age, collagen and elastin production slows down. Some estimate that after age 30, we lose an average of 1% of collagen production each year. This can lead to sagging and wrinkles. 

    However, heat from laser resurfacing treatments can help stimulate production of these important wrinkle-fighting proteins. 

    When Can You Start Laser Rejuvenation Treatments?

    If and when you start with laser skin resurfacing treatments really depends on many different factors that are unique to you. Therefore, it’s best to discuss the particulars with one of our treatment providers. However, there are no general age guidelines for laser treatments. In fact, because laser treatments can help with everything from scarring to discoloration, some people even start laser treatments during childhood. 

    However, when it comes to wrinkles and fine lines, most people don’t start treatments for these concerns until they start showing up on the skin. For many people, this is after age 30 when we start to lose collagen. Some people start laser aesthetic treatments for fine lines in their 30s and others wait until later when they have more noticeable lines and wrinkles in later years. It’s important to keep in mind that laser treatments may not be a good option if you want to reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles. For deep wrinkles, other treatments, such as aesthetic injectables, might be a better option. 

    Cynosure Laser Treatments & Aesthetic Solutions from HerKare

    If you’re sick of seeing lines and wrinkles in the mirror each morning, our team at HerKare can help. We are here to empower women to feel their best, which we know may include enhancing their beauty with aesthetic treatments. Our team offers a wide range of aesthetic treatments, from Botox injections to Cynosure laser skin resurfacing and more. Make an appointment today for an aesthetic consultation and to discuss your options with our providers.

    New Innovations for Reversing Signs of Aging on Your Skin

    New Innovations for Reversing Signs of Aging on Your Skin

    Let’s face it: many of us would love to turn back the clock for our skin. Signs of aging like wrinkles, sagging, scars, uneven skin tone, and other imperfections can make us feel self-conscious. Luckily, there are many skin rejuvenation treatments available to help your skin look younger! 

    Non-invasive aesthetic technologies have come a long way to offer great results that are quick, affordable, and painless. In this article, we’ll discuss what skin rejuvenation is, how it works, and some new innovations like plasma pen fibroblasting and WiQo® chemical treatments.

    Skin Rejuvenation Techniques Help Reverse Signs of Aging

    woman applying skin products to her face

    There are many non-invasive options today to help keep your skin looking youthful and reverse signs of aging!

    It’s safe to say many of us would like to reduce wrinkles and other tell-tale signs of aging, but the idea of going through invasive surgery for a more youthful appearance might be holding you back. This is where skin rejuvenation treatments can come into play. Recent technologies offer practical solutions for people who would like to look younger without the risks of cosmetic surgery. Today, there are many non-invasive options to help your skin look younger and more vibrant. 

    Skin rejuvenation treatments offer many benefits. For instance, they often cost a lot less than cosmetic surgery. They’re also usually quicker, require less downtime, and cause little to no pain compared to surgery. That’s why many people are making appointments with our professionals to talk about anti-aging treatment options.

    What Causes Skin Aging?

    We all know wrinkles, crepe-like skin, dryness, dullness, and pigmentation can make us look older, but why do they happen? Understanding the underlying reasons for skin aging is important, as it can help explain how skin rejuvenation treatments work and can also help you determine which treatments might help with your specific concerns.

    Crash Course on Skin Anatomy

    First, before we get into specific causes of aging on the skin, we need to know a little about the anatomy of the skin. There are three main layers of skin:

    • Subcutaneous
    • Dermis
    • Epidermis

    The subcutaneous is the innermost layer of the skin and is a layer of fat cells that sits above the muscles. Then comes the dermis, the middle layer, and the epidermis, the outer layer. 

    The dermis is crucial for how your skin looks, as it provides the overall structure for your skin. The dermis is made up of two layers: the reticular dermis and the papillary dermis. The reticular dermis is where cells called fibroblasts make collagen, elastin, and other necessary proteins. Above that is the papillary dermis, which is a layer of blood vessels in charge of supplying nutrients to your epidermis. 

    Next we have the epidermis. This is the uppermost layer of skin. It, too, has a few different layers with different jobs. At the bottom of the epidermis is the basal layer, which is where your body creates new skin cells. As those skin cells travel up through other layers of the skin, they flatten out and become keratin cells. The very outer layer of your skin, called the stratum corneum, is made up of all those dead, flattened skin cells. These cells are constantly replaced by newer cells. This process is called desquamation, which is basically a scientific term for skin cell turnover.

    Causes of Wrinkles and Other Aging Effects

    Now, onto what makes us look old. There are many different factors that can play a role in skin aging, such as genetics and lifestyle factors. However, two of the big ones include normal aging and exposure to UV radiation. 

    First of all, as we age, we naturally produce less and less collagen and elastin in the dermis. The collagen is what gives your skin strength and support. Elastin is what makes your skin resilient and allows it to bounce back after getting stretched, such as the abdominal skin after pregnancy. Less collagen and elastin can lead to wrinkles and fine lines on your skin. Also, with age the rate of turnover for our skin cells also naturally slows down. This allows dead skin cells to stick around longer, which can cause your skin to look dull, flaky, or uneven and can also accentuate wrinkles. 

    UV radiation from the sun can also cause aging effects on your skin. It may speed up aging because this kind of radiation can damage skin cells responsible for keeping your skin firm. This can cause wrinkles and fine lines and may also cause things like age spots where you have more pigment in one area of your skin than other areas. 

    Non-Invasive Skin Rejuvenation to Help Improve Your Skin’s Appearance

    As we understand more and more about the skin aging process, we’re also finding new and innovative ways to help reverse it. For instance, today there are many minimally-invasive and non-invasive options to help improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, complexion, and more. One such skin rejuvenation technology is the plasma pen. 

    Plasma Pen Fibroblasting Treatment

    Plasma pen treatments do a few different things to help improve the look of your skin. This incredible skin rejuvenation technology uses an arc of plasma just above your skin in the treatment area. The plasma heats up the dermis to help stimulate collagen production. The process is also known as fibroblasting.

    In addition, the plasma pen creates small pin pricks in the top layer of your skin. This can help your body slough off dead skin cells to reveal the newer, smoother, and more supple skin underneath. Also known as skin resurfacing, essentially this process removes the built-up dead skin cells that can make you look older. 

    Plasma pen treatments can help with many different skin concerns, such as:

    • Wrinkles
    • Sagging
    • Skin texture
    • Pigmentation
    • Scarring

    Treatment only takes a few minutes to about an hour, depending on how large the treatment area is. You can get plasma pen treatments practically anywhere, though common target areas include the forehead, cheeks, lips, laugh lines, neck, jawline, and entire face. It’s also the only treatment available for the eyelids aside from surgical procedures. Typically plasma pen treatments only need about one week of downtime.

    Advanced Aesthetic Treatments at HerKare

    Our team at HerKare is here to help you feel your best, including helping you improve your appearance through aesthetic treatments. We offer treatments using innovative, FDA-approved technologies. Our professionals are here to offer guidance for aesthetic treatments in a welcoming, no-judgement environment. Make your appointment today to learn more and see which options may work for you. 

    Aesthetic Gift Card Special!

    Aesthetic Gift Card Special!

    Our team at HerKare can’t wait to see you again. In the meantime, take advantage of a special offer of a Brilliant Distinctions® $100 gift card for only $50! These gift cards can be used on our aesthetic Botox® and Kybella® treatments. Enjoy savings now and use your gift cards whenever you’re ready, because these gift cards don’t expire! Even better? You can combine these cards with other rebates and earn points on qualifying treatments as well.

    Aesthetic Treatments - HerKare

    We offer aesthetic treatments to help you feel your best. Take advantage of special savings for Botox® and Kybella® today!

    This is a limited-time offer while supplies last, so be sure you purchase your gift cards today. Each patient can purchase gift cards at this special price for one transaction only, and you can buy 4 during your transaction. You can also redeem up to 4 cards at one time for your treatments.


    Kybella Treatments - HerKare  Botox Treatments - HerKare

    Happy New Year | HerKare Aesthetic January Specials

    Happy New Year | HerKare Aesthetic January Specials

    Start the New Year off RIGHT with our January Specials! HerKare emphasizes and empowers women to feel good about themselves – from general wellness to aesthetics. With experienced medical professionals in both areas, make an annual wellness exam, and let’s chat about your health and changes you’d like to make to feel better about yourself. To achieve the “look you want”, consider our January specials on a few aesthetic services!



    ~ Max Depree

    HerKare January Specials:

    $100 OFF Restylane Syringes

    $50 OFF Dysport Treatments

    50% OFF Laser Hair Removal Treatments

    Purchase 2 Restylane Syringes: Receive FREE Revitalash/Revitabrow Kit ($200 Value)


    HerKare 2020 January Special


    It is with heavy hearts that we announce that Dr. Sridevi Panchamukhi will be discontinuing her affiliation with HerKare. Dr. Panchamoukhi’s last day with HerKare was Monday, March 27, 2023. As a patient you may obtain copies of your medical records or arrange transfer of your medical records to another physician. HerKare Physician Group, PLLC will continue to maintain your medical records. You may reach out to to obtain copies of your records. We wish Dr. Panchamoukhi the very best.